2025 Registration

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Palos Verdes AYSO

2025 Fall Registration Information

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Dear Players/Parents,

We are the Palos Verdes region (Region 10) of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO).  We provide year-round recreational and competitive youth soccer programs that are enjoyed by four-year olds (5U division) all the way up to 18 year olds (19U).  We welcome players from the Palos Verdes Peninsula and surrounding communities.  We are a 100% volunteer organization.

AYSO ages are now based upon the calendar year (January 1 to December 31). The age that your child will be in 2026 determines his/her age division for 2025. For the Fall 2025 season, all player and volunteer registrations will be accessed at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10. eAYSO will no longer be used for any registrations.

How Do I Register For 2025 Palos Verdes AYSO Fall Soccer?

All players (both new and returning) must go to http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 and register and pay online by credit card. We can no longer accept checks or cash.

What if I Have Never Played in AYSO Region 10 (Palos Verdes AYSO) Before?

If you are new to the region, either a new player that has never played in AYSO before or a player that has played in a different AYSO region but will be playing in Region 10 in the Fall, in addition to registering at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 and paying online by credit card, you will also be required to submit a proof of age along with your application. Proof of age documents include a birth certificate, passport, or other government ID.

Proof of age documents can be submitted by uploading these documents at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 during the registration process.

How Do I Pay Online By Credit Card?

You pay by credit card at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 after you complete the registration for all your children . If you are registering more than one child, you need to register all children first and then pay by credit card for all your children collectively so you can receive the sibling discount that is offered through July 1, 2025.

How Do I Register In Person?

For 2025, all registrations will be held online at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10. For those parents and players that have general questions about registering, please contact our Registrars at alanlem888@yahoo.com and/or edgargmendez@yahoo.com. For technical assistance with the http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 website, please contact the AYSO Help Desk at (866) 588-2976 (Monday - Friday business hours) or by email support@ayso.org.


When and Where Are The In-Person Registrations For 2025 Palos Verdes AYSO Fall Soccer?

No In-Person registrations will be held in 2025. All registrations must be completed online at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10.

7U through 14U players registered after July 31st may be placed on a waiting list. These players will only be placed on a team if there are openings in their division. The Registration Fee after July 1st will increase to $TBD with no sibling discount for 7U through 11U players; $TBD with no sibling discount for 12U and older players. After July 31st, the fee will increase to the Regular Registration Fee of $TBD with no sibling discount for 7U through 11U players and $TBD with no sibling discount for 12U and older players.

When Can I Start To Register On Line At http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 and How Much Is Registration?

Fall registration is open for everyone at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10.The registation fee will depend on the division in which the player is registered and the date the registration is completed.

The price for registration for players who register at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 and pay online by credit card by July 1st, 2025 is:

  • $TBD for 5 & 6U players
  • $TBD for players 7U to 11U, $TBD for each 7U to 11U sibling (with sibling discount).
  • $TBD for players 12U and older, $TBD for each 12U and older sibling (with sibling discount).

The price for registration for all players who register at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 and pay online by credit card between July 2, 2025 and July 31st, 2025 is:

  • $TBD for 5U and 6U players
  • $TBD with no sibling discount for players 7U through 11U
  • $TBD and no sibling discount for players 12U and older.   

The price for registration for players who register at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 and pay online by credit card after July 31, 2024 is:

  • $TBD for 5U & 6U players
  • $TBD per player with no sibling discount for players 7U through 11U
  • $TBD for players with no sibling discount for players 12U and older
  • After August 1, the player is not guaranteed a spot on a team and may be placed on a waiting list. 

Remember:  make sure you register ALL your children first at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 and then pay by credit card collectively so you can receive the sibling discount (if you register by July 1, 2025)

How Do I Prepare a Player Registration Form?

The http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 website provides simplified log in procedures and step-by-step instructions to guide you through the registration process for players and volunteers. If you registered your child in the past at www.eayso.org and you enter your child's name identically into the new registration website, his/her eAYSO ID will be automatically transferred to the new registration site.

The information you enter at http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 becomes your child's registration form, which is also his or her medical release.  Please make sure you enter accurately/update all contact information for both parents, all emergency contacts, the name of your child's school, and all e-mail addresses.

IMPORTANT!!: The online registration process will lead you through multiple pages. When you reach the page that displays the completed Player Registration Form and has a box at the top that provides instructions on electronic signatures, it is important that you scroll down, check the box marked "I agree to use an electronic signature", type in your name in the signature box, and click "Continue". Then you must click "Submit" on the bottom of the next page to submit the Player Application Form. After you have completed the steps to register all of your children, check the boxes of all of the children you have registered and click on Online Payments to pay the registration fee and complete the registration process.  


What Is Your Refund Policy?

All refunds for Fall soccer must be requested to the PV AYSO commissioner by July 31st, 2025. There are no refunds after July 31st, 2025. 

Any refunds issued will have the AYSO National Fee of $25.00 deducted. This fee is non-refundable

What If I Need Help Registering Or If I have Questions?

For technical assistance with the http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/region10 website, please contact the AYSO Help Desk at (866) 588-2976 (Monday - Friday business hours) or by email support@ayso.org. For general questions about registering, please contact our Registrars at alanlem888@yahoo.com and/or edgargmendez@yahoo.com.

What Age Group Will My Child Play In?

The following table describes how we'll organize the age divisions for the AYSO Fall 2024 season.



5U (2021)

1-1-2021 thru 12-31-2021

6U (2020)

1-1-2020 thru 12-31-2020

7U (2019)

1-1-2019 thru 12-31-2019

8U (2018)

1-1-2018 thru 12-31-2018

9U (2017)

1-1-2017 thru 12-31-2017

10U (2016)

1-1-2016 thru 12-31-2016

11U (2015)

1-1-2015 thru 12-31-2015

12U (2014)

1-1-2014 thru 12-31-2014

14U (2012 - 2013)

1-1-2012 thru 12-31-2013

16U (2010 - 2011)

1-1-2010 thru 12-31-2011

19U (2007 - 2009)

1-1-2007 thru 12-31-2009


Can I Play Up Or Down A Division?

Players may play up one division only with the approval of the Regional Commissioner.  You must write this request to play up at the top of the player form with the requested division and submit to us or else we will not know about it.


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