Fall Season Registration Now Open!
Registration for the Fall Season of PV AYSO soccer is now open! Register early for significant discounts off of registration fees.
For details on costs, deadlines, and instructions on how to register, please visit the Fall Registration page.
Sign up for the PV Spring Academy!
PV AYSO, in partnership with First Touch Soccer, will once again host the Spring Academy! The Spring Academy offers skill based training for one hour during the week, with a weekend World Cup style tournament each weekend (either Friday or Saturday) to try the new skills learned during the week. Open to participants aged 4-13, the Spring Academy is held at Highridge Park for nine weeks, starting the week of March 24. Discounts are available for multiple participants enrolled together.
for Spring Academy, and additional information, can be found here. Questions? Contact First Touch Soccer at (562) 357-9097 or info@firsttouchcoaching.com.
2025 EXTRA/Alliance Tryout Dates Announced G13U TIME CHANGE (3/3/25), G14U DIVISION ADDED (2/21/25), G13U DIVISION ADDED (2/17/25), TIMES CHANGED 2/4/2025!
For players looking for a higher level of competition, consider PV AYSO's EXTRA and Alliance Programs. EXTRA and Alliance not only allow players to compete against higher level competition, they also maintain AYSO's core principles and are generally at a much lower cost than club soccer programs. To learn more about EXTRA and Alliance, visit our EXTRA and Alliance page.
Tryouts for the 2025 Fall season of EXTRA and Alliance will be held on March 2nd (Sunday) and March 5th (Wednesday) March 9th (Sunday) at Ridgecrest Intermediate School. Note that divisions have been removed or added and tryout times have changed effective 2/21/2025 as indicated on the EXTRA and Alliance page.
Prospective players must complete the Tryout Form (located on the EXTRA and Alliance page prior to participating in the tryout. Players must attend one of the tryouts to be considered.
AYSO Adult Soccer is now at Palos Verdes!
Are you itching to get out and play after watching your children take the field? Looking for a place where you can play in a safe, fun, and positive environment? If so, then take a look at AYSO Adult Soccer!
The inaugural season of AYSO Adult Soccer has launched at Palos Verdes AYSO (Region 10). For a nominal membership and registration fee, you can participate in coed games year-round at either Malaga Cove or Highridge Park every Sunday morning at 8:30AM. Initially, games are structured as 11v11 pick up games - as more participants are added, official balanced teams may be formed.
For more information on the Palos Verdes AYSO Adult Soccer Program, including fees and registration instructions, click here.
PV AYSO (AYSO Region 10)
P.O. Box 2302
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274