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Used Uniforms

PV AYSO has instituted a used uniform collection program to collect gently used uniforms, cleats, soccer balls, and other goods to benefit those that are less fortunate. Partnering with GET!GIVE!GO!, a local charity group, goods from PV AYSO have benefited children in regions and countries such as Africa, Haiti, and Central and South America.

For additional information on PV AYSO's used uniform collection efforts, please contact PV AYSO's Used Uniform Collection Representative found on our Board Contacts page

Below is a posting from the used uniform collection event held at Region 10's Opening/Picture Day in September 2012.

A special thank you to all those that donated used uniforms, cleats, and other goods to Get!Give!Go! at Region 10's Opening/Picture Day. Vicki Leach, Get!Give!Go!'s founder, sends the following message to everyone in Region 10:

"Thank you to AYSO Region 10 Palos Verdes for their continued and overwhelming support and monetary donations. Region 10 donated a truckload of soccer items on their Opening Day September 8th at Peninsula High School.

GET!GIVE!GO! recently sent shipments out to Rwanda, Honduras and various orphanages and missionaries throughout Mexico. Our items are being delivered by local churches, pilots, missionaries as well as Club Flying Samaritans and Global Medical Brigade via UC Riverside."



Information and dates for additional used uniform collection events hosted by PV AYSO will be announced shortly. If you have any questions regarding how to donate your gently used uniforms and soccer gear, please contact PV AYSO's Used Uniform Collection Coordinator found on our Board Contacts page.

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